My flight to Ireland from London was rather strange seeing as I went onto the plane. Looked out the window at the planes. Then I fell asleep and woke up and looked out at a strangely similar scene, only it was in Dublin, Ireland. It was the strangest thing ever because I was convinced we hadn't moved. But alas matey, we had crossed the river. So I got out and soon realized that they had lost my luggage. Fantastic. Stupid 13 hour layover in Heathrow probably did my luggage in. It's in some deep dank corner of the ancient airport rotting away with the rats and street dogs. Horrifying. Well they said they'd deliver it to my house in Galway once they find it which is nice. It kinda proved better since I didn't have to lug around luggage all day aside from my backpack.
So then I picked up a o2 sim card for my phone and I took the 6 euro bus into town. How exciting. I'm in freaking Ireland now! Finally! The time has come! So I got to Dublin, took the crash course on working in Ireland, grab a bowl of soup, and was off a quick bus over to Galway to see my summer home. This bus had wifi too which was pretty legit if you ask me. How neat is that?
Well once I arrived, T-tardy aka Tyler was atrociously late as usual but he finally got there and we took the stroll through town to get to our sweet crib. Which is apparently in the “bad part” of town which really just goes to show how little violence and poverty this Irish really say. Come check out the Lou I say! That's where the danger's at my brothers.
Basically the town is insanely gorgeous. And also my dogs are killing me from walking around London and Dublin and Galway so much within one day basically. Yow. After getting to the house the boys and I along with some new friends hit up a pub to just hang out and celebrate my arrival. An obvious celebration was due for such a character like myself. Then we tore up a dance floor at a gay bar oddly enough because the drinks were cheap and dancing is fun. Although I know it's home is here, Guiness is just too much for me. It's so dark and thick, it's like soy sauce.
Then I ate possibly the worst Quiznos sandwich in my life due to a Neenu lookalike at this Irish Q. Figures. I leave the country and she follows me here. Such is life.
Well I'm about to head to bed and then start my first full day in Ireland. How gosh darn exciting. Living the dream people. Livin the dream.
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