So it has definitely been a few days since I've updated. Sorry about that. These few days have had some good times and some chill times. Let's think back. Monday we went on a failed hiking expedition for Tyler's birthday because the girls we were with thought they knew what they were doing but that was a big fib on their part. We ended up going the super wrong way to this castle and it was raining and what not so we decided to call it a day and just chill at home instead of camping.
But funny story though. So you have to pay to use the restrooms in the malls and the squares and what not. Ridiculous I know. Us Americans would never stand for such outrageous money making operations. But anyways, Tyler and I are walking around this mall getting some stuff for the trip and we decide man I need to go to the bathroom bad. So we go and it says it costs 30 cent so Tyler puts in a 50 cent piece and the door doesn't open. Great. But then we realize it says must use exact change (i.e. 20 cent coin + 10 cent coin) and so we go get that change and come back. We put it in and the door STILL doesn't open. Perfect. So I'm just like “Come on!!” and I give the door a slight kick with my foot. Now I'm taking if I did this to your shin you hardly feel it. Well the customer service guy nearby wasn't having it and says “Hey don't kick the door. You can leave” to which I'm in a little disbelief because it stole 80 cent from us and I hardly even touched the thing. Having given up, Tyler and I walked back to where the rest of our gang was hanging out in the mall and we sit down. A security guard comes up and says that we can't sit there and we have to move and then while we are getting up he has a little chat on his radio. He then says to me “Hey were you kicking the bathroom door?” To which I honestly replied “uh... Ya?” and then he said I need to leave and he escorted me out of the mall.
Kicked out of a mall for being robbed by a bathroom. Completely absurd. I'm going to go demand back our 80 cent sometime or else they'll be hearing from my lawyer. Maybe. Ok I'm actually not that concerned about it all but it really did happen and I was a bit peeved by how the mall security handled it. I wasn't being belligerent or anything. Just a small token of my disgust for the door not opening. So stupid.
Other than that, I've waited in many a government agency line for different things necessary for jobs here. And walked several hours back and forth to get this stupid immigration card that when I finally got, had my birthday wrong on. Ha. Figures. And with all this walking I've just been exploring Galway which has been great really. The city is beautiful. Although boyo is it killing my feet. Totally worth it though.
Also Patrick and I formed a 2 man street performing act and it's fantastic. We've been practicing for a few days and Thursday night (last night) we had our debut on the streets and it was surprisingly well. We completely thought it was not going to work this well. We started around 9:15 after we calmed our nerves and then played til around 9:50 when Patrick broke a string and couldn't fix it. Also the garda (police) told us that in that area they draw the line at 10pm. But the other buskers (performers) nearby said she is just a mean woman and they still played. It was so fun and exhilarating AND the best part is in just that short time of around 30 mins we made 18 euro. And that's pretty darn good for a few half hour I'd say. We already have plans to tighten up and expand our act and we are so freaking pumped about it. It's going to be great. Galway loves us. We had people singing along with us and taking our pictures. Surreal.
Well that's it for the past few days. Living the life baby.
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