Another big update (huge in fact). Crazy stuff happening the last few days. Some ups. Some downs. A roller coaster of feelings I'd say. But let's do things the proper way. In order. (But first, I'm soooo sad the USA lost to Ghana...)
Anyways, back from Dublin but not finished with our adventure, the 5 of us got up early the next morning and barely made it on our tour bus to go to the Cliffs of Moher and the Burren but not quite in that order. We barely made our bus and we were off. We first stopped by the Burren which is essentially a miniature size Stonehenge. Sorta. But it was very cool and the whole landscape around it was completely covered by rocks so it looked pretty neat.
So after Stephanie and I jumped back on the tour bus as it started driving away we were off to the big show, the Cliffs of Moher. These are cliffs that are like a mile or so above the sea line and are famous for it and it really is gorgeous. But ya we got there and explored a little forbidden area of the cliffs
(which pretty much everyone did despite the clear signage) and it was really cool because it was right up next to the edge. So close in fact that our dear friend Patrick couldn't quite stomach us being so close to the edge and nearly had a panic attack. He had to go wait for us to come back. It was cute.
Well the next day we got up and after eating a quick breakfast the gang of 5 (Patrick, Jessie, Annie, Stephanie and I) set off for Cork. But as is par for the course, we missed our first bus. Ha. But luckily this bus line has buses running every hour so we decided to grab a quick bite from a convenience store and then we caught the next bus going to way down south Ireland. The
reason for this journey is to kiss a piece of rock. But let me assure you. This isn't just any rock my friends. It's a stone. And was there a sword in it? Yes. Ok. No. But it is actually called the Blarney Stone and it is located in Blarney Castle outside Cork. Apparently it's tradition to kiss it and it will give you magical powers or maybe just some good luck.
Well the short story is we got there to Cork, sneaked 5 people into a 2 person bedroom in a super small hotel with one entrance. Got up, missed our bus to Blarney, made the obligatory food run during our wait, then jumped on the next bus. We explored the castle and the castle grounds which were gorgeous. Kissed a rock at the very top of an ancient castle (although no evidence of my kiss exists due to camera... malfunctions) and then checked our a nearby mansion and headed back into the town of Blarney where we missed our bus... again. So we made our food run and got back on the next one into Cork and stayed put in the bus station so we wouldn't miss our 4 hour ride back to Galway.
Then we danced the night away at some bars and clubs for a good finisher to the trip and we hit the hay so we could get up early to get the girls (just Jessie and Stephanie) on their planes home. Well of course we were cutting pretty close as we barely missed the bus from our house to the bus station so we could catch another bus to Shannon where the airport is. So then we took a cab, hustled the mean bus driver a bit, and we were on our way. And good thing too because if we missed that one, the girls may still be sitting here, which wouldn't really be such a bad thing after all really. But we got them there and all was well. Plus I forgot to mention that in Cork, a woman from Sword Security called me so I now have a job in Ireland. Woo! Finally. Which means I'm going to this huge music festival too.
As far as the days since then, I have attended training for my job, gotten my heart and soul broken by the USA football team, and even seen a few 8mm films in this local film festival here which was absolutely great. So like I said, ups and downs my friends. Good times though.
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